Doinging Science in Austin's Name

Would you like to help us do SCIENCE! in Austin's name?
Then sign up for BOINC and join TeamAustin!
BOINC stands for the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing project. When you join, you can donate unused processor power on your computer to BOINC. That computing power is then made available to scientists worldwide to do CPU intensive work such as protein folding, drug interactions, RNA mapping as well as astronomy, physics and mathematics.
We'll soon be posting videos on how to sign up for BOINC and then how to sign up for the projects you want to support. And we'll also show you how to join TeamAustin where your calculation credits along with others who knew and loved Austin, will be able to do SCIENCE! in Austin's name.
If you want to get started now, then go here to locate and download the appropriate version of BOINC for your computer.
Once BOINC is installed, then go to this page to find projects you want to join. You'll find projects in math, astronomy, biology physics, climate, engineering, cryptography and more.
VERY IMPORTANT: When you sign up for projects, use THE SAME email, username and password for each. This will allow you to accrue all your computational credits in a single account. It will also allow you to sign up multiple computers under a single name.
Then sign up for BOINC and join TeamAustin!
BOINC stands for the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing project. When you join, you can donate unused processor power on your computer to BOINC. That computing power is then made available to scientists worldwide to do CPU intensive work such as protein folding, drug interactions, RNA mapping as well as astronomy, physics and mathematics.
We'll soon be posting videos on how to sign up for BOINC and then how to sign up for the projects you want to support. And we'll also show you how to join TeamAustin where your calculation credits along with others who knew and loved Austin, will be able to do SCIENCE! in Austin's name.
If you want to get started now, then go here to locate and download the appropriate version of BOINC for your computer.
Once BOINC is installed, then go to this page to find projects you want to join. You'll find projects in math, astronomy, biology physics, climate, engineering, cryptography and more.
VERY IMPORTANT: When you sign up for projects, use THE SAME email, username and password for each. This will allow you to accrue all your computational credits in a single account. It will also allow you to sign up multiple computers under a single name.

As you can see, Austin's individual account is already ranked in the top 95% of all users in the world. That's 5,998th place out of 2,778,921 BOINC members. That's because we currently have 15 devices running BOINC under his account. Those devices range from Austin's old Android phone, to his laptop, to many of Laurie's and my computers, tablets and phones, both retired and new.
As you can see, Austin's individual account is already ranked in the top 95% of all users in the world. That's 5,998th place out of 2,778,921 BOINC members. That's because we currently have 15 devices running BOINC under his account. Those devices range from Austin's old Android phone, to his laptop, to many of Laurie's and my computers, tablets and phones, both retired and new.

Because teams often have more computing power, we're only ranked in the 52nd percentile among 100.358 teams but with your help, we can help TeamAustin rise even higher.
So, to join TeamAustin, first sign up for BOINC. And then while you are creating accounts at each project website, join TeamAustin and help us do even more SCIENCE! in Austin's name. You can "join" TeamAustin at a project's site after you sign up and confirm your account with them.
Because teams often have more computing power, we're only ranked in the 52nd percentile among 100.358 teams but with your help, we can help TeamAustin rise even higher.
So, to join TeamAustin, first sign up for BOINC. And then while you are creating accounts at each project website, join TeamAustin and help us do even more SCIENCE! in Austin's name. You can "join" TeamAustin at a project's site after you sign up and confirm your account with them.