I would like to give $700 to NPR, and $300 to WNYC, which hosts Radiolab.
I think everyone who knew Austin knows that intellectual rigor was incredibly important to him. It is easy to slip into thinking that rigorous thought belongs only to academia or the sciences, but I know that Austin valued careful thinking in all areas of life. It shaped his interests, his priorities, and his relationships. It is a value that is important to me, as well, in large part because of him.
I am donating to NPR because its thoughtful coverage and wide variety of programming promotes careful and deliberate thought in its listeners, regardless of their interests.
I am donating to WNYC because they host Radiolab, which I have heard many people say was their first introduction to science as something fun and interesting. Though I'm sure Radiolab doesn't go into the level of detail Austin would have preferred, its narrative approach helps people who wouldn't have thought they were interested in science understand its importance. And I think he could get behind that.